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বাংলাদেশ মৎস্য গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট, সামুদ্রিক মৎস্য ও প্রযুক্তি কেন্দ্র, কক্সবাজার

চলমান গবেষণা
 Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
Marine Fisheries and Technology Station
Cox's Bazar-4700


Project Title

Relevant Scientist


Isolation, production and development of indigenous microalgae based live feed supply chain for Marine Hatchery

- Dr. Shafiqur Rahman, Chief Scientific Officer
- Zahidul Islam, Scientific Officer (PI)
- Turabur Rahman, Scientific Officer


Development of breeding, seed production and nursery techniques of Seabass, Lates calcarifer

- Dr. Shafiqur Rahman, Chief Scientific Officer (PI)
- Md. Aktaruzzaman, Scientific Officer
- Zahidul Islam, Scientific Officer


Domestication and breeding of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) and Horseshoe crab (Tachyples gigas) of the Bay of Bengal Bangladesh

- Dr. Shafiqur rahman, Chief Scientific Officer (PI)
- Ahmad Fazley Rabby, Senior Scientific Officer
- Turabur Rahman, Scientific Officer
- Zahidul Islam, Scientific Officer


Development of Mariculture Practices of Some Important fin fishes (Seabass, Mullet) in the South-East Coast of Bangladesh

- Md. Rayhan Hossain, Senior Scientific Officer (PI)
- Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique Khan, Scientific Officer
- Mohammed Khairul Alom Sobuj, Scientific Officer
- Moushumi Akhter, Scientific Officer


Assessment of stock and standardization of the spawning potential ratio (SPR) of commercially important marine fish group of Bangladesh

- Ahmad Fazley Rabby, Senior Scientific Officer (PI)
- Turabur Rahman, Scientific Officer
- Md. Aktaruzzaman, Scientific Officer


Development of value added products from marine fishes

- Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique Khan, Scientific Officer (PI)
- Moushumi Akhter, Scientific Officer
- Md. Aktaruzzaman, Scientific Officer